How Do You Know You're In An Abusive Relationship? Domestic abuse rarely takes the form of a one-off event. It's a repeated pattern of a combination of physical and non-physical negative behaviours. Non-physical abuse is as hurtful and harmful to your emotional, physical, spiritual and mental well-being as physical and sexual abuse are. Identifying signs of non-physical abuse starts with your feelings. If your gut feelings tell you 'something' is not right about the person you're dating or married to, don't ignore it. Trust your instincts, be observant, know the signs and make informed decisions. The list below is not exhaustive and in no particular order but will help you as a target of abuse to understand your experience or feelings - Feelings of Fear Feelings of Intimidation Manipulation Isolation from family, friends and loved ones Consistent Complaints, Condemnation or Criticism Blame Lack of Empathy Feelings of Rejection Lack of Ca...