GUARD YOU HEART - Abuse-Proof Yourself One thing common with EVERY abuser regardless of their orientation or status is to attack their target/victim’s self-esteem. It’s a gradual process, from isolation to condemnation to complaints and may even graduate or progress to physical abuse. No matter the type of abuse, it affects your emotions. Every form of abuse constitutes emotional abuse. When your emotions are attacked, it’s difficult, if not impossible to function effectively in every area of life. It’s psychologically draining and could shut you down mentally and medically. It could lead to depression, insanity or some forms of sicknesses and diseases that have never even existed in your lineage or in medical history. These days that almost every medical issue is related to cancer, one has to be very careful about what you allow your mind to process. If you’re able to understand these three major principles, it will help you to see the abuser differently an...