There's another layer of abuse women of faith experience that forces some to endure domestic abuse much longer #spiritualbuse . .They're often accused of - "not praying hard enough'","not submissive enough". .They're quickly reminded that - ''God hates divorce", "a wise woman builds her home" . Then blackmailed with being 'unforgiving and not Christ-like' when they summon the courage to leave the abuser. . .Some are ostracised, isolated, stripped of their titles or positions because they're suddenly not 'wise enough women' for being separated or divorced due to domestic violence . .This moment, my heart goes out to - every woman, man and child who has lost a loved one - mother, sister, cousin, aunt, friend or colleague because of this. - those who have been shamed, condemned, overlooked or judged - those living with the consequences of the error and ignorance of those who should have pr...